Dear Residents,
As you are aware, the District is experiencing elevated levels of Radium 226/228 in the water.
The Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL), as set by the State, is 5 pCi/L. Radium is tested on a quarterly basis. If the average of the prior four quarters is above 5 pCi/L, we are in violation of health department regulations and required to notify all residents.
The 2021 third quarter Radium level is 7.2 pCi/L and the four quarter average is 5.8 pCi/L.
Our Water Operator is communicating regularly with the engineering firm JDS Hydro regarding treatment options and estimated cost. The two main options are Ion Exchange or HMO filtration. The biggest obstacle is the disposal of the Radium waste. The Board of Directors is also investigating other water sources. Designing and implementing a treatment solution is a lengthy process. The District is in compliance with Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) requirements for reporting, planning and implementing a solution to the Radium violation. The Board is working diligently to rectify the problem as quickly and cost effectively as possible. Thank you for your patience.
Please visit for updates. Should you have any questions or concerns,
you may contact the office at (719) 687-0761 or email Questions and comments are also addressed at the monthly Board meetings, which are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 5:00 PM, 212 S. Chestnut Street, Woodland Park.
Teller Admin Team
Lisa Rector & Nicole Rucker
Distributed 10-4-2021 Important Information About Your Drinking Water