Legal Notice
Notice of Public Hearing
for Teller County Water & Sanitation District #1
Woodland Park, Colorado
Date: June 24th, 2022
Time:6:00 PM
Location: Woodland Park Community Church
Address: 800 Valley View Dr
Woodland Park, CO 80863
Colorado Topic: Water Treatment Plant Facility
A public hearing will be conducted for informing citizens and soliciting public input, written or oral, regarding the Teller County Water & Sanitation District #1 Water Treatment Plant and Project Needs Assessment (PNA). The PNA is a report detailing the project consisting of radium removal. The report is being submitted to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) to qualify Teller County Water & Sanitation District #1 for a State Revolving Fund Loan.
Teller County Water and Sanitation District #1 recently exceeded the combined Radium 226+228 MCL of 5 pCi/L in 2021. This exceedance spurred a violation notice for this community system to put into place a plan to provide the customers potable water with radium levels below the MCL. Teller County Water and Sanitation District #1 desires to apply for State Revolving Funds to assist with the capital and engineering costs that will be associated with the proven alternative necessary to reduce radium in the potable water system. Options evaluated were 1) purchase water from City of Woodland Park interconnect, 2) regenerable ion exchange with wastewater from treatment sent to the City of Woodland Park wastewater treatment plant, 3) single-use ion exchange resin with spent resin disposal hauled by a licensed hazardous waste hauler to a licensed and certified hazardous waste disposal facility, and 4) using HMO for the precipitation of radium and then hauling the solids to an approved licensed and certified landfill.
The estimated cost of the project is $1,500,000.
Copies of the Project Needs Assessment are available for public review prior to the Public Hearing at the following location:
Teller County Water & Sanitation District #1,
212 S Chestnut St, Woodland Park, Colorado.
The point of contact for the Teller County Water & Sanitation District #1 is Lisa Rector, Office Manager, 719-687-0761.
Teller County Water & Sanitation District #1
Jay Hetzel
Board President